sexta-feira, 16 de abril de 2010

Question - where, who, that

Correto .... OK !!!!

It's somebody who takes care of teeth

It's a plant that you can eat

It's a place where the people pratice exercises

It's a thing that marks the time

It's somebody who paints pictures

It's place where there are many books

It's somebody who works in school

It's somebody who takes care of people

It's a machine that who use to talk

Um comentário:


    It's somebody who takes care of teeth (DENTIST)

    It's a plant that you can eat (LETTUCE)

    It's a place where the people pratic(E) exercises (GYM)

    It's a thing that marks (THE) time (CLOCK)

    It's somebody who paints pictures (ARTIST)

    It's place where there (ARE) many books (LIBRARY)

    It's somebody who works in school (TEACHER)

    It's somebody who takes care of people (DOCTOR)

    It's a machine that (WHO) use to talk (??)

