domingo, 27 de junho de 2010

THE BIG PLAN - Elaine Righl

The name of book is THE BIG PLAN, the author is Eliane Righl. The book speaks about a surprise that two students made to a teacher the school.
The students Louis and Billy like much the teacher Nelly, but she going to leave the school, so they thought in a surprise to she remember to always.
They planned anything and didn't speak to anyone. The day in that the teacher left the school, they called she in a dark room.
Louis turned on the light, he and Billy played a beautiful music to the teacher. Billy then read a message to thank the teacher.
Nelly was happy and very surprise with the students. She thanked his students.
Everyone students and teachers the school liked the surprise that Billy e Louis made to the teacher Nelly.
I liked of read the book. The story is beautiful and funny.
And the end is happy!!! = )

Um comentário:

  1. CORREÇÃO...

    The name of book is THE BIG PLAN, the author is Eliane Righl. The book speaks about a surprise that two students made to a teacher (IN) the school.
    The students Louis and Billy like(D) (A LOT) the teacher Nelly, but she (IS) going to leave the school, so they thought in a surprise (FOR HER TO REMEMBER FOREVER).
    They planned (EVERYTHING) and didn't speak to anyone. The day that the teacher left the school, they called (HER) in a dark room.
    Louis turned on the light, he and Billy played a beautiful music to the teacher. Billy then read a message to thank the teacher.
    Nelly was happy and very surprise with the students. She thanked his students.
    Everyone students and teachers (OF) the school liked the surprise that Billy (AND) Louis made to the teacher Nelly.
    I liked (READING) the book. The story is beautiful and funny.
    And the end is happy!!! = )

    :) OK! GOOD!
